How to Stay Fit while Traveling?
For most of us, summer vacation means to travel. Now when summer vacations have already arrived, all of you must be planning your much-awaited break time at your favorite summer destination.
I get it; but do you realize during vacation, you are bound to have cheat meals and give yourself an excuse for eating extra calories. Well, all that is on the plate looks good and yummy but may not be nutritious food. Also, it becomes hard enough to keep yourself motivated around delicious food, comfort, and holiday parties.
Adding some extra pounds on the scale is not what you want at the end of vacation and then toil back to lose them. So how to stay fit while traveling without compromising on your comfort and leisure?
Here are some easy to handle tips for maintaining your fitness goal and weight while on vacation.
1. Check amenities available at the hotel
While preparing your schedule, check if your choice of hotel is equipped with a swimming pool, gym, a treadmill, cycle, and dumbbells. Check travelers review about the hotel and its facilities. Else if none of the above facility is available then take out time to walk on the lawn or premises of the. Also, ditching lift for 3-4 floors is also not a bad choice after all.
2. Do not skip breakfast
Sounds like grandma’s advice but holds true at all times. A healthy wholesome breakfast kicks your metabolism for the entire day. It also keeps you full for a longer, so you don’t end up eating unnecessarily. Most accommodation offers complimentary breakfast which you can avail while booking online.
Adding some yogurt to the meal to let probiotic go into the tummy which ultimately keeps your gut healthy while traveling. Add some source of protein (eggs), carbohydrates (whole wheat bread), sugar & fiber (fruits), oatmeal, cereal, and yogurt to your breakfast menu and that’s it.
3. Keep a check on water intake
Drink 3-5 liters of water everyday to keep the toxins getting flushed to avoid sunstroke and sick stomach. It helps in reducing the craving for soda and other fizzy drinks. Also, we tend to consume a lot of caffeine which dehydrates the body. Hence, keep a check on your water intake and make sure you are having a glass of water every hour or two. Your body will thank you for it.
4. Take staircases
Avoid lifts and elevators and move your body weight to climb up and down some floors. It is a good cardio and fitness exercise which you can practice any time during the entire day. It will reduce the guilt of cheating on your diet also.
5. Walk for shorter distances/explore/trek
Avoid taking Uber if your destination is just a few blocks away. It is a good way to understand the weather, locals and enjoy the small joys of solitude. Like a small flower or a bird on the tree will be missed if you are zooming in a taxi. Taking a walk in the night with your partner will be etched in your memory for the lifetime. Taking treks to nearby location can get add adventure to your schedule.
6. Make healthy choices
Cheating on your diet while traveling is obvious sometimes but not all the time. You would like to try some local delicacies but at the same time check for ingredients going into its making. These ingredients make a lot of difference for the needle to move on the weighing scale. Healthy choices will keep you less bloated and bowel movements regular. Adding lots of fruits, whole grains, brown bread, yogurt, smoothies and natural sweetener are some cautious choices to make.
7. Sip some tea
It is a healthy choice to make if you are traveling in colder regions. Honey-ginger tea is good for cold and cough which often picked because it is one of the best detox tea as well. Else carry your green tea bags with an electric kettle to save some money on your long budget trip. Green tea is also a popular alternative that is anti-oxidant rich and keeps your health in check.
8. Keep granola or protein bar handy
Carrying a stock of protein bar is not a bad idea to quench those hunger pangs between meals. It saves a lot of money and is a healthy option to choose. All the foreign locations have these bars readily available. It’s only for the remote area you would need to carry these. You can also add superfood powders to your diet to keep your stomach full for a long time, read more about the benefit of green superfood powder to your body.
9. Avoid alcohol
Drinking while traveling is an essential part of socializing and socializing itself is an essential part of traveling. However, drinking while traveling is not the same as drinking at home. Yes, sounds weird and terrible to many but holds true. Taking wine sometimes is still fine, but overindulgence of any other alcoholic drink will leave you dehydrated with a hangover next morning. You are on vacation to enjoy, try to rejuvenate yourself instead of putting yourself in the loop of headaches and fatigue.
10. Yoga and stretching
You do not need a lot of time to do yoga practices in the morning. A few easy yoga poses with some stretching will keep you energized and active throughout the day. Stretching also works as a great mood lifter.
Need more inspiration? Try these easy workouts you can do anywhere.
How to lose weight without going to the gym
Ultimately you are on vacation to have fun, explore new places, or to spend quality time with your loved ones. Plan your trip well in advance while keeping a check on your health and collect more memories on your trip to enjoy it later for the lifetime.