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Yoga Poses Guide for Beginners that Aids in Weight Loss

Yoga poses (5)

Beauty & Wellness

Yoga Poses Guide for Beginners that Aids in Weight Loss

Yoga is a spiritual discipline which aims to bring harmony between the mind, body, soul, and consciousness. It is the amalgamation of science and art to a healthy living.

Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yug which means union. Yoga thus can be said to bring in a union between the individual consciousness and the universal consciousness.

An ideal state is when one lives in harmony with oneself and the environment around him and yoga poses helps to achieve that perfect state. Although yoga is based on ancient Hindu wisdom, it is a philosophy which has successfully cut across other cultures and religions.

Yoga is now one of the most popular forms of meditation and exercise for people of all age groups around the world due to awareness of the benefits of yoga.

People are prone to live a fast-paced life because of the demands of having a successful life, especially in the work sphere. Unfortunately, these heavy demands pose a problem and have taken a toll on an individual’s personal life and health.

Stress, insomnia, and anxiety are common manifestations of such issues. The health of both the body and the mind are affected together. One of the easiest ways to get back to a healthy body and mind is by practicing yoga daily as it enables one to cope with problems and worries calmly.

Yoga combines physical exercises along with deep meditation. It allows a holistic approach to healing the body, mind, and soul with lasting results. Yoga also helps one to discover the connection between himself and God.  It lets one grow spiritually as well.

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Just to let you know, there are many types of yoga, and it is essential to follow what suits you and your body best. The following are the different types of yoga for beginners as well as experienced learners.

Types of Yoga You Need to Know- Yoga for Beginners

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This is an intense style of yoga which is fast paced and physically demanding. It is an excellent choice for cardiovascular exercises.


This is a slow paced yoga where one has to hold each pose for a while. It is ideal for beginners of yoga as it has easy yoga poses.


This yoga synchronizes the breath with a series of poses known as Surya Namaskar.


This is a style of yoga where the breath matches movements which are rapid and repetitive along with singing, chanting, and meditation.

Bikram Yoga

This form of yoga was started by Bikram Choudhury and movements are done in a hot room which enables profuse sweating.


This style was evolved by B.K.S. Iyengar. It enables one to hold body poses for a long time to obtain the benefits of the pose. A lot of different props are used to do these poses such as a yoga mat, ropes, blocks, and blankets.

Yin Yoga

This form of yoga is more meditative and allows one to feel the calmness between the body and the mind. Here each pose is help for a long time.

Benefits of Yoga

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The benefits of practicing yoga extend not only to the body but to the mind as well as the spirit through its holistic approach. Some of the many benefits of yoga are listed below:

  • It helps to release body toxins.
  • Yoga helps inhale more oxygen through the breathing exercises and channelizes the energy flow in the body.
  • Practicing yoga regularly helps to tone the muscles and enhances the flexibility of muscles.
  • Corrects body posture and alignment.
  • Regulates different systems in the body such as circulatory, digestive, and endocrine.
  • Helps in weight loss.
  • Cures diabetes, asthma, heart problems, etc.
  • Helps to relax the body and mind and facilitates inner peace.
  • Yoga every day keeps you energize you for a long day.

Yoga Poses for Beginners

People always seem to have an ongoing battle with their weight. Yoga provides the perfect alternative to lose unwanted weight along with building strength and flexibility of your body.

These poses are also easy yoga poses which are ideal for beginners of yoga. Listed below are some of the different types yoga poses for weight loss and beginners of yoga. To get more tips about loosing weight visit the Healthcare Guys website.

Ardha Navasana /Half Boat Pose

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This pose works directly on your abdomen muscles and strengthens the upper back and shoulders. Half boat yoga pose also stimulates your body’s metabolism which helps to maintain weight.

Prasarita Padottanasana/Wide-legged Forward Bend Pose

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This pose enables your body to become more flexible. Wide-legged forward bend pose stretches your legs, arms, lowers back, tones the shoulders and abdominal organs. Your brain feels more calmed and relieves a headache, body ache, and fatigue.

Vasisthasana/Side Plank Pose

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This pose is excellent for toning your abs as well as biceps and triceps. Not only it builds arm and shoulder’s strength but also improves body’s overall balance and coordination.


Yoga poses (5)

This pose helps to gain flexibility in the body by stretching the hips and hip flexors. Benefits of crescent pose also include stimulating the reproductive and digestive system. Practicing Anjaneyasana regularly helps in getting a toned and flexible body.

Parivrtta Trikonasana/Revolved Triangle Pose

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This pose helps to tighten the core and the abs. Not only your legs but the hips and the spine also get a good stretch. This is one of the best yoga poses for people suffering from back pain.

Vrikshasana /Tree Pose

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This yoga pose for beginners enables you to balance your entire body from toes to fingers, strengthens the back and the legs. It brings your mind to peace, thus good for people who are struggling with anxiety and depression. This is one of the best yoga poses for people suffering from knee pain.

Utkatasana/Chair Pose

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This pose is like a squat which is excellent for weight loss as it stretches your legs, arms, lower back, and improves determination. Chair pose is one of the best yoga poses for weight loss especially good for belly fat and thigh fat.

Virabhadrasana 1/Warrior Pose

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There are three different types of warrior poses, and they help improve the flexibility as well as balancing the body while releasing stress from the shoulders. It also strengthens the arms, lower back legs, ankles and opens up hips, lungs, and chest. This yoga pose is best known for ease of stiff shoulder problem.

Natarajasana/Lord of the Dance Pose

Yoga poses (12)

This pose allows you to stretch your entire body and make it more flexible. Natrajasana yoga pose not only improves your concentration and balance but also assist in weight loss as you end up burning lots of calories during the process. This yoga pose helps in improving digestion, focus, and balance.

Sarvangasana/Shoulder Stand

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Practicing this yoga pose regularly increases the blood circulation throughout the body and makes your skin glow. It also helps in controlling hair fall and premature hair graying. The posture strengthens arms, shoulders, and keeps the spine flexible.

Sarvangasana benefits don’t stop here only. It also cures menstrual disorders, leucorrhea, and frequent abortions.

Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward Dog Pose

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This yoga pose is beneficial in toning the entire body as it strengthens arms, legs, shoulders, feet, and helps in weight loss. Brain functions better due to the increased blood flow to the top of the body. It also calms down the mind and relieves a headache, fatigue, and insomnia.

We all need a few moments for us, to connect with our inner self, to de-stress after every day’s duties. These yoga poses help in aligning mind and the body. Yoga is now an accepted form of exercise and has gained popularity around the world. It is vouched by medical practitioners as a means of healing the body therapeutically. One can conclude by stating that yoga not only a form of exercise but a means of transforming one’s body, mind, and soul.

Shipra Sharma is a Lifestyle blogger, tech enthusiast and a Youtuber based out of Delhi. In her early career, she worked as an HR in a reputed IT MNC for 4 years before she called it quit to pursue her dreams. Being a passionate blogger by heart, she herself writes all the posts which vary from lifestyle to travel.

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