Beauty & Wellness
How to Use Fennel Seeds for Weight Loss?
Fennel seeds, also known as Saunf, are an enduring herb coming from the parsley family. It has a distinct taste and smell, commonly used as an aromatic spice for cooking. Fennel seeds are mostly consumed post meals for proper digestion of food. It is an excellent source of minerals and vitamins. People not only use fennel seeds for weight loss but also to get relief from a wide range of ailments like that of respiratory, digestive, and reproductive disorders. If you are falling under any of these categories, it is worthwhile to give it a try.
Making fennel seed water is very easy. Soak two tablespoons of fennel seeds in a glass jar or a big glass overnight. Consume it empty stomach in the morning and 2-3 times during the entire day. It will reduce your appetite, hunger pangs and make you feel more energetic. Fennel seeds for weight loss are beneficial in several other ways as well. It is a combined package of excellent nutritional properties stated below. Get extra help from fat burner supplements like Meticore you can easily get access at many online shops
Benefits of Fennel Seeds Water
Vitamin A
Fennel seeds are an excellent source of vitamin-A, excellent for eyes health. It is super rich in anti-oxidants supporting regeneration of body cells for promoting an active lifestyle.
Vitamin C
Fennel seeds are rich in vitamin-C eliminates a regular cough and cold. It provides support to the immune system, and excellent for prenatal health.
Fennel seeds regulate weight management in individuals by easing Pre Menstrual Syndrome symptoms. It has phytoestrogens that help with issues like menopausal disorders, and breast enlargement. It promotes bone strength and prevents, muscle cramps, arthritis, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Fennel seeds provide strength to the bones and teeth, accelerates healthy digestion, and produces protein. Overall making one feel energetic throughout the day.
Fennel seeds are rich in magnesium essential for promoting muscle strength, relaxes nervous system letting you sleep better, and improves flexibility. It has galactagogue responsible for lactation in nursing mothers. It works as an aphrodisiac to increase libido in men and women.
Presence of potassium helps in building cells; its consumption garners excellent results for sports person and people who undergo strenuous physical activity every day. Mental stimulant properties are packed in these seeds.
Fennel seeds regulate bowel and relieve constipation due to being fibrous in nature. It reduces bloating in the body due to water retention.
How Fennel Seeds Help in Losing Weight?
Accelerates Metabolism
Conversion of food into energy is Metabolism, the rate at which body cells consume protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbs from the food eaten. Fennel seeds accelerate metabolism, leading calories to burn faster in the body, resulting in fat and weight loss. Active metabolism is a boon to healthy living.
Naturally Suppresses the Appetite
Consuming fennel water or chewing the seeds will help to suppress appetite naturally. It will reduce carbohydrate, fat and sugar cravings, and familiar demons for weight gains. When you aren’t feeling hungry, then you won’t eat leading to excess weight gain.
Blood Purifier
Fennel seed raw or water aids in clearing away excess uric acid present in the blood and further leads to breaking down bile. Responsible for excellently aiding in digesting fats in the liver properly. It reduces muscle spasm accountable for fatigue and lazy day.
Aids in Detoxification
Escaping toxins on a daily basis are hard. Something as easy as fennel seed drink helps in flushing out all the toxins in the bloodstream via the kidneys.
Mild Diminishes the need for caffeine shot from your daily routine. Fennel seeds infused water helps you in staying alert and awake. This detoxifier is a great way to start your day with a regular walk and exercising regime.
Has Anti-spasmodic Effect
The anti-spasmodic property of fennel seed drink helps to suppress hunger pangs by relaxing the stomach muscles. These muscles are responsible for producing the hunger sensation. A great stimulant to reduce intake and strict to meal timings and reduce weight.
Stimulates Melatonin
Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain by the pituitary gland, responsible for regulating sleep patterns. A good night’s sound sleep of 6-8 hours is essential. To start your day fresh with vigor to accelerate healthy weight loss and health maintenance.
Above listed nutritional properties and benefits are proven. Though, it depends from one individual to other for differing results. Before starting off with the regime, it is better to consult your physician. As a precaution, please understand that without bringing in walking, exercising and balanced diet.
These fennel seeds are not miracle herbs to pull off excess weight from the body. Along with the combination of exercising and fennel seed water or raw consumption can give better results. Something which you will achieve in 45 days of toiling can be achieved in 30 days depending on person to person. A simple trick can bear suitable results for your weight loss, better sleep, muscle, bone and eyes health are vital for healthy living.