Beauty & Wellness
Why You Should Wear Sunscreen Everyday Even in Winters?
Sunscreen is one of the proven formulas to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. The onset of summers or winters, where the sun is going to be touching your skin dangerously calls for a special protection shield.
There are a lot of brands available in the market selling lotion or spray sunscreens. Different skin types require different skin care products and sunscreens. There are few ingredients you must check before making your pick. Following are the essential components every sunscreen must possess.
- Titanium dioxide
- Octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC)
- Avobenzone (also parsol)
- Zinc oxide
Broad Spectrum UVA/UVB protection formula blocks harmful effect of the rays on your skin for a longer duration of time. Buy a broad spectrum sunscreen lotion, gel or spray, which is non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic.
These shield your skin from ultraviolet rays while safeguarding you from various skin ailments like rashes, clogged pores, acne, and sunburns. Choose a waterproof sunscreen with a minimum SPF-30. Always apply sunscreen half an hour before you go into the sun.
Listed are few reasons for you to wear sunscreen everyday without fail.
Reasons to Wear Sunscreen Everyday
1. Protects from Harmful UV Rays
Undoubtedly this is proof that application of sunscreen reduces the ill effects of UV rays both A & B. If you intend to be outdoors for more than 30 minutes one coat of sunscreen in the exposed parts is a must. If the duration is more than 3 hours outdoors with sweat, then re-apply the sunscreen.
2. Reduces Premature Aging
Harmful UV rays result in premature aging, freckles, and wrinkles. Skin loses its moisture and charm resulting in bursting of acne, blemishes and aging spots. Regular usage of sunscreen with a minimum of SPF-30 is a must. Repetition of the application is essential if you are prone to sweating.
3. Lowers Skin Cancer Risks
Skin Cancer Foundation study suggests that UVA rays are responsible for generating 95% of the ultraviolet radiation that reaches our earth’s surface. Whereas UVB rays are less harmful though, however, contributes to skin damage.
Both UVA and UVB rays are a contributor to skin cancer, mainly basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. The Skin Cancer Foundation studies emphasize regardless of age, race or color everyone should wear sunscreen lotion.
4. Reduces Blotchiness
Regular use of sunscreen on face and other exposed parts of the body reduces blotchiness. It reduces ill-effects of UV-rays thus the skin wrinkling, blotches occurring due to uneven texture reduces by manifolds.
5. Prevents Sunburns
Sunburns are the common problem of tropical climate. Burning of skin top layer and turning brown is called sunburn. It leads to many other problems like blemishes, brown spots, and wrinkles. If a layer of sunscreen is applied then UV-rays are unable to penetrate through the skin.
6. Prevents Tanning
Applying a modest layer of sunscreen on the exposed parts which have SPF-30 can protect your skin from the UV-rays thirty times more. No one likes tanned body parts when you are due to attend a function but are unable to wear your favorite dress, due to tanning.
Reapplication is important if your skin becomes wet or clammy due to sports activity or swimming. Opt for picking up waterproof sunscreen formulas if you have workout or running agenda on a daily basis.
7. Improves Skin’s Health
Sunscreen formulas other than being a shielding part are also essential for nourishing the skin. Like it protects the skin essential protein keratin, elastin, and collagen from getting damaged with exposure to the sun’s harmful rays. Check if your sunscreen contains titanium oxide for keeping the youth and suppleness of your skin intact.
8. A Good Cosmetic Option
Sunscreen can be mixed with your foundation very well and can be put on as a part of your make-up. People, who need to venture out more into the sun on a daily basis, must consider an SPF not less than 30. Team it up with your skin products and set free in the sun.
There is a huge range of sunscreen available in the market today. It is essential to do the homework of knowing your skin type first. The product which bore benefits for your friend might not be spots for you at all. Word of mouth publicity is the BEST! On the flip side without a thorough knowledge of your skin type. You would not want to end up damaging your skin. Sunscreen protection level is much better than wearing a full-sleeve dress in the hot summers.
Advantages of using sunscreen can be felt over a period of time. How? Well, skin is prone to wearing and tearing of cells. When these cells are protected from the harmful UV-rays regularly, they tend to have a healthy composition, resulting in your skin looking supple and glowing sans-free from wrinkles, fine lines, freckles or blemishes. Age spots will not even touch you.