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How to Stay Fit? Things People Should Do to Stay in Shape

how to stay fit

Beauty & Wellness

How to Stay Fit? Things People Should Do to Stay in Shape

Someone somewhere contemplated that being healthy and fit isn’t about a fad or a trend but a whole lifestyle. I would like to Concord to the view of the people who are more keen towards learning how to stay fit”. Staying fit isn’t just about being in shape or exhibiting muscles but more. The fitness must get reflected as a very essence of your body i.e. being healthy from and within.

Impatient as one can be, most of us always keep searching how to get fit fast. Let me tell you there is no shortcut to stay in shape. I have a vicinity where people often look for easy exercises or diet plans for how to stay fit. And I am not astonished to see that they fail miserably, but why? Most of us adopt popular diet plans to lose weight but end up nowhere, again why?

Here is a thing to keep in mind when we look for how to stay fit being at home or how to lose weight at home. The word “fitness” itself connotes to optimality- the level or the position at which things exist, coordinate, resonate and tend to move towards equilibrium. In the context of the human body, it could be a combination of proper immune system, right body-mass index, stamina, etc.

How to Stay in Shape?

So if you are planning to do some easy exercises to lose weight, or embracing a habit of consuming detox water or detox tea would shed your extra pounds while you are feasting yourself then you are wrong my friend. Being fit requires a commitment to your daily regime whereby you adapt certain things in your routine for staying fit and healthy.

I know I know, enough of verbosity here. Let’s go through few simple but important do’s and don’ts in order to follow a proper fitness routine.  Those who will follow, this guide could help in getting the answer of how to stay fit and healthy.

Ways to Stay Healthy and Fit

Do’s to Stay Fit

how to stay fit

  • Assess your body. First and foremost step is to know your body statistics.
  • Set goals. And goals that ain’t time-barred aren’t goals.
  • Choose your exercises accordingly and don’t forget to confirm it with your medical consultant in required cases.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Do count on counts. Start with few reps and increase gradually.
  • Water should be your favorite drink. Hence, hydrate yourself before and after exercise.
  • Consume a lot of antioxidants and have a nutritious diet. (You can check our other articles on Detoxifying Drinks)
  • Exercise in the company if you feel less motivated alone. Have fast music along.
  • Go for more and more natural and fresh food stuff rather than sticking to preserved ones.
  • Follow a diet plan, exercise alone couldn’t fetch you expected results. And do get your diet plan approved by a professional nutritionist so that you won’t miss on important nutrient. Dieting doesn’t mean eating less, therefore, eat healthily and properly.
  • Start small on weights and don’t be shy of that. You could pull a road-roller one day(Sultan).
  • Spend some time daily in front of your mirror after every third day. That would keep you motivated in both odd and even cases.
  • The most important of all- stick to your plan and routine. Don’t give up!!


how to stay fit

  • Make a fanciful plan that you can’t stick to.
  • Skip your routine.
  • Ignore cardio or warm-ups.
  • Smoke or getting addict to other obvious substances.
  • Consume steroids.
  • Take medicines for looks and all without medical consultation.
  • Go for medically untested/not recommended dietary or health supplements.
  • Forget your breakfast.
  • Compare yourself to others. It’s the comparison to the other day that boosts your stamina.
  • Forget to enjoy with the food you like on the ‘cheat-day.’
  • At last, someone said, ”Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it’s about being better than you used to be.”

While I recommend sticking to this guide, ultimately the key to how to stay fit is eating healthy and listening to your body. Dieting and pushing yourself beyond your limits are few things that always fail in the long term. Hence, maintain a healthy lifestyle to become healthier, happier and fitter person. Happy Exercising!!

Shipra Sharma is a Lifestyle blogger, tech enthusiast and a Youtuber based out of Delhi. In her early career, she worked as an HR in a reputed IT MNC for 4 years before she called it quit to pursue her dreams. Being a passionate blogger by heart, she herself writes all the posts which vary from lifestyle to travel.

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