Top 10 Affordable Wrist Wrap of 2017: Best Wrist Wraps for Weights, Powerlifting & Crossfit
6. Eagle Pro Fitness Wrist Wraps
The professional wrist wrap is one of the perfect one meant for hardcore exercisers who only love to exercise. Gym instructors recommend the wrap to all the people who love exercise.
- The professional wrist wrap combo includes a heavy duty weight lifting straps.
- One year warranty.
- The heavyweight cotton elastic combination and has reinforced the stitching.
- Professionally padded weight lifting strap.
- Comes with a thumb loop.
- Wide Velcro locks wrap.
- Strong, wide and comfortable to use.
- Reduces muscle tendons and fatigue on the wrist.
- The material maintains perfect form.
- Give strengths on the final reps.
- Costlier in comparison to other products.