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How to get rid of dark circles using apple cider vinegar?

how to get rid of dark circles

Beauty & Wellness

How to get rid of dark circles using apple cider vinegar?

Stressed lifestyle, insomnia and no time to take care of yourself lead to various effects on your health which show up slowly and gradually. The most prominent and visible effect is that on your face, under your eyes, the dirty dark circles. to get a better sleep I started using CBC oil extracts and it worked amazingly well for me, as per my experience, the best CBC I have tried is FluxxLab™, hit the link to learn more from it.

None of us want them and we keep on trying several dark circle removal creams available in the market. However, we completely ignore how we can cure dark circles naturally with the help of a simple kitchen ingredient – like apple cider vinegar.

But, before we dwell into its use in getting rid of dark circles let us first understand what is apple cider vinegar. It is a fruit vinegar which is made from freshly crushed apple juice. It often has certain alcoholic characteristics during its production phase but soon the alcohol released during fermentation is converted to acetic acid or vinegar by further action of yeast. Now that you understand what is apple cider vinegar, let’s get to know the ways of how to get rid of dark circles using apple cider vinegar.

Simple Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has uncountable uses, it provides you with healthy skin, aids in weight loss, promote good health and can be used in daily life without much hassle. But, one of its basic use is to reduce and eradicate the dark circles around your eyes and it also helps in the reduction of eye bags. It helps in reduction of dark circles due to its bleaching properties and its astringent nature. It actually helps I removal of dead skin cells thereby adding glow and providing whiter color to your under eye area.

To use apple cider vinegar to get rid of your dark circles, you can choose below-mentioned home remedies to remove dark circles naturally with apple cider vinegar.

how to get rid of dark circles

1. Apply apple cider vinegar on your eyes

Take apple cider vinegar in a cup and dip an earbud or cotton swab in it. Now softly with the tip of the bud apply the vinegar on your dark circles and let it dry naturally. Doing this regularly will help in removing dark circles. It will effectively prevent their occurrence as well. This application can be done two times in a day for best results.

2. Apple cider vinegar and water

This time dilute Apple cider vinegar using water. To do the same take about half a cup of water and add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Now massage this mixture on your dark circle avoiding the eyes. Continue massaging the mixture till it gets absorbed by your skin. It will rejuvenate your eyes also replenish the area making the weary darkness disappear with its regular use.

3. Molasses and apple cider vinegar to get rid of dark circles

You can also take two tablespoons on apple cider vinegar and mix it with one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses and apply this mixture using cotton on your dark circles for getting relief in them.

5. Consume apple cider vinegar and honey

Just the consumption of apple cider vinegar with honey or diluted can also be beneficial for not only your eyes but also skin in general. As it helps in adding glow and removing any dark spots.

6. Apply honey and apple cider vinegar

Use apple cider vinegar with honey to form a paste and store it in your refrigerator. You can apply this paste for ten to fifteen minutes twice a day under your eyes to get rid of your dark circles.

7. Turmeric with apple cider vinegar to remove dark circles

Take some apple cider vinegar and add a teaspoon of turmeric. Now apply this mixture on your dark circles and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Wash thoroughly using water. Repeat the same every day for best results.

8. Mix apple cider with rose water

In an ice-tray pour a mixture rose water and apple cider vinegar. Let it freeze. Now take one ice cube at a time and rub it all across your face softly. It will not only help the reduction of dark circles but it will also add a healthy glow to your skin.

9. Apple cider with cucumber to remove dark circles

We all know that cucumber slices provide relief to our eyes and also help in the reduction of dark circles. Now imagine what will happen if you dip these slices in apple cider vinegar and place them on your eyes. Yes, this is exactly the next technique to use apple cider vinegar to get faster relief for your dark circles.

A word of caution that should surely be added here is to make sure that under no circumstances the apple cider vinegar gets in contact with your eyes. If it does then wash them thoroughly and still if no relief is achieved then visit the physician immediately for emergency help.

Also, all these methods are not miracles; they will only assist you if you employ them on regular basis on your skin. Best results are achieved if apple cider vinegar with mother of vinegar is used.


Apple cider vinegar has recently gained popularity due to its immense benefits for your overall health and looks. It finds its uses not only in culinary sense but is of equal value in the beauty industry as well. It can be used to add the glow to your skin, to keep it free from any pigmentation or pimples and also to get rid of your dark circles. Another benefit of apple cider vinegar is its assistance in weight loss.

The above-mentioned steps can be followed to help in the reduction of dark circles. But, it is no miracle and thus, it will take patience for you to notice the effects of using either of the above techniques. Regular usage at least twice a day will help you achieve the results faster. Do share with us the after effect of using any of the above remedies in the comments section below.

Shipra Sharma is a Lifestyle blogger, tech enthusiast and a Youtuber based out of Delhi. In her early career, she worked as an HR in a reputed IT MNC for 4 years before she called it quit to pursue her dreams. Being a passionate blogger by heart, she herself writes all the posts which vary from lifestyle to travel.

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