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How to use onion juice for hair growth? How does it work?

onion for hair growth

Beauty & Wellness

How to use onion juice for hair growth? How does it work?

Onions are not just great for your body, but an amazing solution to a lot of your hair problems as well. The best part about the use of onion on hair is the fact that it not only helps in maintaining healthy and beautiful hair rather it helps in the regrowth of hair as well.

It has the capability to prevent hair decoloration and further reverse the previously happened color changes as well, only to some extent though.

The presence of Sulphur, Catalase and antioxidants make it just the most nutritious food especially so for your hair. Further, it’s anti-microbial qualities make it a perfect anti-dandruff agent as well.

Now, the question arises how to use onion juice for hair growth? Here we have listed a few methods to use onion juice for hair growth, use them and do let us know the results:

Ways to use onion juice for hair growth

onion for hair growth

1. Just squeeze a grated onion and add some ginger to it. Now use this mixture as a hair mask and apply it on your scalp. Let this stay in your hair for a good half an hour and then shampoo your hair. This will help in promoting blood circulation and also stop hair loss leading to healthy and damage-free hair.

2. Take some onion juice and add 1/4th of honey to it. Now use this as a serum and apply it on your scalp by massaging it nicely. Let this sit in your hair for thirty minutes or so and repeat the same at least twice in a weak to enjoy its benefits. It helps in hydrating your hair and help you manage the strength of your hair.

3. Lemon is beneficial for your hair and when added to onion juice the benefits expand manifold. Use a mixture of lemon and onion juice in your hair by massaging it in your scalp. Wash your hair after half an hour using any mild shampoo. This will add strength to your hair and act as an anti-dandruff agent. It will further boost hair growth
maintains the pH balance of your scalp.

4. This is simple and easy but, a long process. As you need to cut some onions and add them to a bottle of rum and let it sit overnight. Massage it on your scalp for about ten minutes only. Wash it using any mild shampoo. This promotes hair growth and helps in strengthening hair as well.

5. Another great solution for your hair fall and thickening your hair is a mixture of olive oil, garlic, and onion juice. Just massage it on your scalp and let it stay for an hour or so and then wash off using a mild shampoo.

6. Egg always works as a great conditioner for your hair. Add them to onion juice and that adds on to the benefits. It will soften your hair and make them smooth as well. Just to avoid the smell of egg then you can also add some good essential oil to it for its aroma and some magical wonders of the oil will be good for your hair too.

7. Take some coconut oil and add onion juice and few drops of tea tree oil. Your hair spa is ready at home. It will treat infections and nourish your hair. Most of all you just need to massage for twenty minutes and wash off after just half an hour to get all its benefits soaked up.

8. Just the simplest pack of all. Take some yogurt and add onion juice. Apply this as a mask and let it stay for an hour or so in your hair and finally wash it off with any mild shampoo. It will add shine to your hair and help them grow at a faster pace. Furthermore, this mask will also help in controlling hair fall as well.

9. Lastly just wash your hair with onion juice after shampoo and conditioning. Even this small step will make your hair fresh as it helps in coup with any oxidative damage that has occurred on your hair. But, this might leave behind the onion-like odor in your hair so do it only if you are ok with that smell.

Let us conclude on a note that onion is rich in many compounds which are extremely beneficial for your hair. It has the ability to strengthen your hair, help them regrow and even fights anti-microbial infections.

Onion further also helps in hair growth and boosts nourishment of your scalp and hair strands too. Grab an onion try either of the above-mentioned massages or masks and let us know your experience in the comments section below. You can also share with us some other treatments for your hair where onion juice is involved.

Shipra Sharma is a Lifestyle blogger, tech enthusiast and a Youtuber based out of Delhi. In her early career, she worked as an HR in a reputed IT MNC for 4 years before she called it quit to pursue her dreams. Being a passionate blogger by heart, she herself writes all the posts which vary from lifestyle to travel.

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